Best Essential Oils for Anxiety and Depression
Essential oils have been used since ancient times by the Greeks, Egyptians, Europeans, Indians, and Chinese people to treat anxiety and depression.
Therefore, using aromatherapy with essential oils relieves anxiety and tension, increases blood circulation, reduces headaches, helps you sleep better, and improves physical fitness as well.
In addition, there are lots of essential oils that promote feelings of reassurance and contentment. Here are the best essential oils to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
1. Lavender Oil
Aromatherapists suggest the use of lavender oil to relieve anxiety because it contains anti-inflammatory and calming effects.
2. Rose Oil
The mesmerizing aroma of rose oil makes it a good oil to decrease anxiety and stress, evoke feelings of joy and love, and balance hormonal, and menstrual problems for women.
Rose petals are also a symbol of love, seduction, and happiness that promotes self-assurance and stimulates libido.
3. Jasmine Oil
Jasmine essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy, the aromatic compounds in jasmine oil have various skincare benefits.
Moreover, Jasmine oil has a sedative aphrodisiac scent that transmits messages to the limpid system to control the nervous system and promotes feelings of joy and romance.
4. Chamomile Oil
The seductive effects of chamomile essential oil promote sleep and calm the nervous system. It can appease the body and enhance energy.
5. Lemon Essential Oil
The lemon essential oil is a powerful calming agent, antiseptic, and antidepressant. Also, it boosts the immune system and relieves pains and headaches.
The lemon fragrance can also enhance energy, and relaxation, and elevate mood levels.
6. Peppermint Oil
It is rich in menthol a rich component that promotes breathing and relieves headaches, pain, cramps, and skin irritation.
7. Ylang-Ylang
Another powerful aromatherapy treatment is the Ylang-ylang essential oil. It has a strong fragrance and a sweet exotic aroma.
Studies have shown that Ylang-ylang oil is excellent for easing anxiety, decreasing blood pressure, and fostering intimacy between couples.
8. Clary Sage
Clary sage has a woody musky scent and it’s a stimulating oil that acts as a natural sedative and improves feelings of relaxation.
9. Neroli
Neroli is also known as orange blossom oil. Its citrusy floral scent helps set the mood of peace and calm and enhances libido and menopausal problems.
10. Sandalwood
Additionally, sandalwood essential oil has a floral balsamic wood fragrance. It’s widely known for its numerous benefits for aromatherapy.
It can help in meditation. It heals nervousness, hydrates skin, and increases sexual desire.
How to use essential oils for anxiety and depression?
Essential oils are highly concentrated, each oil has its healing properties and side effects if the dose isn’t respected.
Here are the best methods to use essential oils safely for anxiety and depression.
1. Inhalation
Apply a few drops on a piece of cloth and sniff the oil throughout the day.
Inhalation can influence the nervous system and stimulate the brain, thus the molecules enter the nose, the mouth, and the lungs. Therefore it lifts your mood and alleviates stress and anxiety.
2. Topical application
Mix your favourite essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and sweet almond oil and massage your body.
3. Diffuser
Add a few drops of your favourite oil to a diffuser and enjoy the aromatic benefits.
4. Bath oil

An aromatherapy bath with essential oils and warm water is the best way to relieve anxiety.
Mix essential oils diluted with carrier oil, salt, and some petal roses into your bathwater.
Notice: Pregnant women should avoid essential oils during the period of pregnancy.