Aromatherapy is an ancient healing practice based on using essential oils for centuries to improve health and mood. How does aromatherapy work? Experts believe that aromatherapy activates olfactory receptors in the nose, which send messages through the nervous system to
Read MoreStress is a major problem for many people in today’s world and It’s a constant companion in our fast-paced world, impacting everything from our mood to our physical health. But you don’t have to let it control you. There are
Read MoreIn today’s world, prioritizing sleep can often feel like a luxury. But a good night’s rest is essential for both our physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation can impact everything from our daily energy levels and mood to our focus,
Read MoreWhat’s vitamin A? Vitamin A also known as retinol is a fat-soluble micronutrient that is important for the immune function, skin and hair. There are two types of vitamin A What are the main sources of vitamin A? Here is
Read MoreSPF, or sun protector file is mainly the amount of protection a sunscreen can protect a skin from UVB rays without getting burned. The higher the SPF number indicates the sunscreen the better it is at protecting skin against sunburns.
Read MoreRosa Canina known also as a rosehip is an elegant shrub that can grow in all types of soil, especially sunny soils. This plant is mainly found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Rosehip flowers have red to orange colour
Read MoreDigestive problems are a common problem among lots of people from embarrassing gas to stomach burns that are caused by bad eating habits. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), 60 to 70 million
Read MoreRose water is extracted from the petals of roses through a process that is called steam distillation and extracts of the soluble elements on rose petals. Actually, rose water is my best friend’s beauty routine, I use it every day
Read MoreSometimes you enter home completely exhausted and overlooked. All you want to do is to eat and sleep. You want to remove makeup from your skin, but you just ignore it for your laziness. However, falling asleep with your makeup on can cause
Read MoreThroughout the day your skin shifts through various environmental changes as it protects itself from UV damage and pollutants. Technically, your skin does an important job from morning to night which is why cleansing your face with a facial cleanser
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