Lentisk Oil for Skin and Hair: Benefits and How to Use
English: Pistacia lentiscus oil-lentisk oil
French :“huile de lentisque“
Arabic: “زيت الضرو”
Benefits of lentisk oil for your health and beauty
First of all, what is a lentisk tree?
The lentisk tree is a wild evergreen herb that grows in dry and rocky areas in North Africa such as Algeria and Morocco, the Canary Islands, and Mediterranean Europe. This herb is found in hot and pasture areas.
Moreover, the Lentisk tree usually reaches a height of 4-6 meters and it is known for its leaves, berries and especially its resin that contains essential oil which is commonly called mastic oil or “Arabic gum”, whilst the oil obtained from the leaves is called lentisk oil.
Lentisk oil has been used by very ancient Mediterranean civilizations like the Greeks and Egyptians as a traditional natural remedy.

The Benefits of Lentiscus (lentisk) Oil for Health
- Researchers have proved that lentiscus plant oil is an effective treatment for cancer because it contains antioxidants and minerals like phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium substances that kill cancer cells.
- Treat Skin problems such as skin burns and wounds that are caused by sunburns, hot liquids, and hot objects.
How to use it?
Massage the injured area with lentisk oil in circular motions. Repeat this process 3 times a day.
- The inflammatory properties that are present in lentisk oil treat eczema and dermatitis.
- lentisk oil treats chronic coughs and sore throats: drink one tablespoon of lentiscus oil before sleeping or massage the chest area with the oil.
- Prepare a tea with the leaves of the lentiscus herb and drink it, it is beneficial for stomach ulcers and women’s period pains.
- A good disinfectant for the eyes. Dub a cotton ball in lentisk oil and place it on your eyes.
Lentiscus Oil Benefits for Beauty
Beauty is all that a woman wants. so, if you don’t have lentiscus oil in your home go and get it you will not regret it because it’s a treasured remedy that everyone should have at home.
- lentisk oil is a miraculous remedy to treat sun exposure because it’s rich in antioxidants that fight off UV damage. Apply a small amount of lentiscus oil on your skin with circular motions before bed.
Notice: Make sure you don’t expose yourself to the sun after applying this oil.
- It is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin and it makes it fresh.
- It is a good natural remedy for people who have acne problems because it eliminates all traces of pimples, and freckles (the flat brown marks ) and hides all grains that appear and disappear from time to time, thus it gives you glowy shiny skin.
Note: If you suffer from severe acne, consult a dermatologist before using oils.
- Add drops of lentiscus oil to your toothpaste and brush your teeth. It will whiten your teeth and prevent tooth decay.
- Prevent and cure chapped dry lips.
Lentisk oil treatment for dry and damaged hair
For this mask, you need the following:
- 2 tablespoons of lentisk oil
- 1 TBSP of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
- one egg
Mix and blend all the ingredients and apply this mixture to your hair for 1 hour or 2 hours before you shower.
This mask will treat damaged hair and boost hair growth as well.