Benefits of Rose Water
Beauty & Health

10 Benefits of Rose Water

Rose water is extracted from the petals of roses through a process that is called steam distillation and extracts of the soluble elements on rose petals. Actually, rose water is my best friend’s beauty routine, I use it every day after I wash my face I spray it as a tonic, and I include it in my facial masks too.

In this article, I will talk about the main benefits of rose water for your skin and beauty routine.

Benefits of rose water for skin

  1.  Rose water lightens and strengthens the skin, purifies, and cleanses the skin from impurities.
  2. It protects your skin from redness and sun damage.
  3. It reduces wrinkles and delays signs of aging.
  4. Decrease the oily secretions and the black spots on the skin.
  5.  Use rose water when you shower it will give your body a nice scent.
  6. The anti-inflammatory properties in rose water help to reduce skin irritation, and infections like eczema.
  7. Rose water helps get rid of eye bags and fat pockets when applied on cotton pads.
  8. It helps clean out large pores.
  9. It eliminates freckles and acne.
  10.   Use rose water as a makeup remover; it helps soothe the skin and cleanse it well.

The above-mentioned points are the main benefits of rose water that you should include in your beauty routine.

 Facial Masks With Rose Water

1. For smooth and clean facial skin

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of rose water

Apply the mask for 30 minutes.

2. Mask to whiten skin and remove dark spots

2 tablespoons of baby talcum powder

1 tablespoon of rose water

Apply the mask for 20-45 minutes and rinse your face.

3. Mask for dry skin

Mix rose water with almond oil or any oil you desire and apply the mixture to your skin.

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