Natural Detox Foods
Beauty & Health

9 Best Natural Detox Foods

Natural detox foods are stuffed with nutrients that promote the elimination of toxins from the body and boost weight loss if you’re on a diet. They also provide the body with healthy vitamins and drive the toxins out of the body.

Let’s take a look at some of the best natural detox foods that help you detox your body and lose weight.

Natural Detox Foods

1. Apples

Apples are a source of pectin, a soluble type of fibre that forms in the stomach a thick gel that gives the feeling of satiety.

You can consume apple row with skin, or compote with some ginger powder or cinnamon to boost potential antioxidants.

Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial to detox your body, helping with weight loss, and reducing your appetite, and cholesterol levels in your body. You can include ACV in your juices, salad seasoning, and marinades for meat and vegetables.

Prepare your ACV detox drink as follows :

  • one tsp of ACV
  • one cup of water
  • 1 tsp of honey (optional)

This popular drink is effective and safe to try.

2. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato offers many health benefits. It’s rich in fibres, antioxidants, provitamin A, and vitamins E and C. It is also rich in beta-carotene which boosts the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.

Sweet potatoes are also low in calories. For example, one sweet potato contains only 112 calories.

Sweet potato detox recipes

A. Curcuma and sweet potato

wash potatoes and put them in the steamer. Once cooked turn it into purée. Add 1 cup of Greek yoghurt, Curcuma, and curry to boost antioxidants.

B.Sweet potato and olive oil

  • sweet potato boiled and crushed
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • salt and black pepper
  • vinaigrette

3. Lemon

Lemon is a natural energizer, cleanser, and purifier because it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Lemon juice is effective in curing lots of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, headaches, and, gastrointestinal problems. It also detoxifies the body from toxins and aids in weight loss.

To make lemon-infused water you need :

  • lemon cut into slices
  • mint
  • warm water

Combine all three ingredients in a bottle. Drink one cup of warm lemon water when you wake up and in the evenings before bed. This drink will help you feel calm and relaxed.

Ginger and cucumber lemon detox

detox foods

The combination of cucumber and lemon is perfect, it gives a special refreshing taste and hydrates your body. Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants and many important vitamins like vitamins C, and K, proteins, fibres, potassium, and magnesium. Moreover, Cucumbers are made up of 95% water which makes your stomach full so they help you lose weight because they are low in calories.

4. Cabbage

Cabbage has impressive nutrients like proteins, calories, fibres, and vitamins C, K, and Calcium. Vitamin C and beta-carotene help the skin look healthy and glowy. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect our body from free radicals that damage our cells.

How to prepare?

Steam cabbage for 8 minutes.Top with lemon vinaigrette, salt, and olive oil. You can also prepare Cabbage soup which is considered the most effective diet soup.

5. Beets

Beetroots known as beats are popular vegetables that are full of essential vitamins low in calories yet high in water. Beets are also rich in fibres that help promote weight loss by reducing appetite.

How to prepare?

Salad: greeted beets, lemon vinaigrette, salt, and olive oil.

juice: mix beets, 2 lemons, and add honey. Beet juice provides vitamin E and carotene.

6. Artichoke

artichokes in close up view
Photo by Nati on

Artichoke is another beneficial natural detox food that helps you detox your body and lose weight. It contains a high proportion of fibre and carbs that are perfect for burning fats and sugars.

How to design an artichoke menu diet?

  • Steam artichoke with vinaigrette +fat free yogurt.
  • Brown rice and artichokes.
  • Grilled chicken with sautéed artichokes.

7. Spinach

green leaves with water droplets in the strainer
Photo by Eva Bronzini on

Spinach is loaded with vitamin C, iron, proteins, magnesium, and potassium. However, spinach is high in fibre and water which promotes digestibility, prevents constipation, and helps to control the appetite to lose weight.

How to eat spinach for a diet menu?

Spinach can be eaten raw, cooked, or with fresh juice.

  1. Spinach detox fresh juice:
  • 1 green apple
  • Spinach
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • 1 lemon and zest

Blend all the ingredients and enjoy your fresh spinach juice.

8. Avocado

Avocado is one of the best natural detox foods that helps detox your body and liver. It is also an excellent cleansing food that is high in fibre and healthy fats that help you feel full.

Avocado Smoothie Detox Recipe

  • 1cup of pineapple, chopped
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1/2 avocado, chopped
  • 1 tbsp of honey

Combine all ingredients and blend well. Add water gradually until you obtain the consistency you desire.

Avocado toast

Avocado toast is a nutrient-rich food that helps you stay fuller for longer.

you need:

  • a piece of toast
  • a slice of tomato
  • 1 fried egg
  • 1/2 smashed avocado

9. Green Tea

Green tea has been used as a medicinal aid for many years due to its benefits, it’s rich in antioxidants that hydrate and cleanse your body from toxins, aid in digestion and help you feel less bloated.

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